On April 18, 1775, British Regulars marched to Concord with orders that “if you meet with any brass artillery you will order their muzzles beat in as to render them useless”. When they arrived in Concord on the 19th, the British were defeated at the Old North Bridge by the Minutemen from Concord and surrounding towns in the first battle in the war for American independence. On February 24, 1804, the Massachusetts Senate resolved to “raise by voluntary
enlistment a company of Artillery”, and to provide it “with two brass field
pieces”, on The new company was known as the Concord Artillery. The cannons of the Concord Artillery became so worn by firing that in 1846 they were rendered unsafe and were exchanged for new brass cannons that were engraved with the original inscription by a member of the Artillery. The cannons remained in the possession of the Town of Concord after the Concord
Artillery was converted into an infantry unit in 1855. Nonetheless, the
cannons continued to be fired on Patriot’s Day and on other ceremonial occasions.
In 1887, the Legislature, on a petition of the Concord Board of Selectmen,
authorized the Governor “to confer upon the town of Concord the two brass
field pieces heretofore used by the Concord Artillery Company, . . . with
their carriages and equipment, in The Town has historically entrusted the cannons for firing on certain ceremonial occasions, and for their preservation, to a group of Concord area veterans from all of the armed services of the United States of America, variously known as the Concord Battery, the Old Concord Battery, the Concord Independent Battery, the Concord Light Artillery and the Concord Artillery. The Concord Independent Battery, as it is known today, has carried on the tradition of firing the cannons on Patriot’s Day, Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. It has also fired salutes following the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln, McKinley and Kennedy, at a ceremony on Lexington Green following the September 11, 2001 tragedy, to mark its 200th Anniversary in 2004, and on other solemn occasions. The Concord Independent Battery Association was formed in 1947 to sponsor
the Battery, and to provide it with financial and popular support. Subsequently,
the Battery Association raised money from its members, and from friends
of the Battery and the Town of Concord, to finance the construction of
a new Gun House. On February 29, 1960, upon a petition of the Battery, the
Concord Town Meeting voted to accept the funds raised by the Battery, and
to permit the erection of a new Gun House on land near Concord Center known
as Heywood Meadow. The Battery voted on February 10, 1999 to incorporate as a nonprofit corporation pursuant to Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws, henceforth to be known as The Concord Independent Battery, Inc. |
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